[Revolut App] Erhalte 0,30€ in FLOKI Cryptowährung im Menü „Learn & Earn“

Sichere dir in der Revolut App im Learn & Earn 0,30€ in FLOKI.

Anbei die Antworten:

Floki Lektion 1

Question #1: What are members of the Floki community called?
Answer: Floki Vikings.

Question #2: Why did Floki become a DAO?
Answer: All of the above.

Question #3: What are the three core pillars of the Floki ecosystem?
Answer: Community, charity, and utility.

Floki Lektion 2

Question #1: What is Floki’s mission?
Answer: To become the most known and used cryptocurrency in the world.

Question #2: Which of these are utility products in the Floki ecosystem?
Answer: All of the above.

Question #3: What are some of Floki’s charitable initiatives?
Answer: All of the above.

Floki Lektion 3

Question #1: What is TokenFi?
Answer: An all-in-one platform for creating tokens and tokenising Real World Assets.

Question #2: What is Floki’s Valhalla?
Answer: An immersive play-to-earn metaverse game.

Question #3: What is FlokiFi Locker?
Answer: A protocol to lock liquidity pool tokens and digital assets.

[Revolut App] Erhalte 0,30€ in FLOKI Cryptowährung im Menü „Learn & Earn“
[Revolut App] Erhalte 0,30€ in FLOKI Cryptowährung im Menü „Learn & Earn“

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